Post by account_disabled on Jan 27, 2024 11:16:14 GMT
Read also : (Not) new Telegram: how has the popular messenger changed over the past year? How the Telegram Ads Platform works: advantages and disadvantages of the platform In November 2021 Pavel Durovannouncedon the introduction of sponsored ads in Telegram. Unlike many other platforms, Telegram's sponsored posts do not rely on user data for targeting. Instead, they appear exclusively in public channels of relevant topics that have more than 1,000 members. This approach brings several significant advantages at once: firstly, advertising messages look organic and unobtrusive. Secondly, advertising corresponds to the topic of the channel, which ensures relevance to the interests of the audience.
Sponsored posts are limited to 160 characters and Buy Bulk SMS Service are free of external links and media. As a result, the advertising message does not prevent the user from interacting with the content. Other benefits include: in the advertising account you can quickly configure audience parameters, the desired channel topic for placement, etc. This ensures that the ad is shown in a relevant context; The appearance of the advertising post is simple and unobtrusive. The absence of unnecessary links and media files does not distract the user from consuming the main content on the channel; the cost of official advertising is significantly less than posting messages in public channels independently. Thus, the cost of the initial deposit is only €2; in the future, the amount can be adjusted depending on the results.
Unfortunately, there are also several significant disadvantages. Telegram cares about the privacy of user data, so targeting options through the official platform are limited. Moreover, the difficulties lie in the format of the advertising message itself: you will have to channel all your creativity into 160 characters, which can only be supported by emoji. In addition, promotion using the official platform is unlikely to suit small businesses. To start displaying an ad, you need to deposit an amount of 2 million euros, half of the amount is kept on deposit. Types of advertising in Telegram and how much it costs to launch an advertising campaign In addition to the official platform, there are several other ways to place an advertising post.
Sponsored posts are limited to 160 characters and Buy Bulk SMS Service are free of external links and media. As a result, the advertising message does not prevent the user from interacting with the content. Other benefits include: in the advertising account you can quickly configure audience parameters, the desired channel topic for placement, etc. This ensures that the ad is shown in a relevant context; The appearance of the advertising post is simple and unobtrusive. The absence of unnecessary links and media files does not distract the user from consuming the main content on the channel; the cost of official advertising is significantly less than posting messages in public channels independently. Thus, the cost of the initial deposit is only €2; in the future, the amount can be adjusted depending on the results.
Unfortunately, there are also several significant disadvantages. Telegram cares about the privacy of user data, so targeting options through the official platform are limited. Moreover, the difficulties lie in the format of the advertising message itself: you will have to channel all your creativity into 160 characters, which can only be supported by emoji. In addition, promotion using the official platform is unlikely to suit small businesses. To start displaying an ad, you need to deposit an amount of 2 million euros, half of the amount is kept on deposit. Types of advertising in Telegram and how much it costs to launch an advertising campaign In addition to the official platform, there are several other ways to place an advertising post.